Fastest Car In Gta 5 2020
Below you will find details of Vehicles Cheats available in GTA 5 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC. All cheats should be entered during normal gameplay in single player mode. Once a cheat is entered, a message appears above the mini-map to indicate that the cheat is activated. Cheats can be deactivated by re-entering the code.
Cars Cheats – Spawn Cars
Here Are 10 Fastest Supercars In GTA V And Online To Spend Money On. GTA 5 Fastest Supercars - Dewbauchee Vagner. Dewbauchee Vagner is distinguished by its sleek cabin design and lightweight bodywork, complete with a. GTA 5 Fastest Supercars - Vapid FMJ. GTA 5 Fastest Supercars - Grotti X80. Even so, the Ocelot Pariah is the fastest car in GTA 5, with an impressive speed of 136mph. It’s appeared on the casino podium before, so there’s always a chance you can nab it cheaply again. YouTuber Cone 11 took the game’s fastest supercars out onto the runway at Los Santos International and ran drag races to determine which was truly the fastest of the bunch. At $1.89 million, the Cyclone — an “ electric hypercar ” — has the fastest acceleration, going from zero to 60 miles per hour in under two seconds with the right upgrades.
Pfister Comet
It’s not the fastest or the most agile car in the game, but the Comet is a very reliable all-rounder that should help you escape from the sort of anarchic rampage that would leave even Michael Bay wiping away a tear.
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Dewbauchee Rapid GT
One for the Flash Harrys of the world, the Rapid GT may not handle quite as smoothly as the Comet, but it is a smooth little sports number that will help you escape in style.
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Stretch Limo
The limousine is yet another vehicle that lets you get the job done in style – albeit a slow sort of style. Less useful in tight spaces, and even less useful if you need to pull a 180 in a hurry.
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If you’ve had enough of mowing down innocent pedestrians with a Car, you can always opt for the slower slaughter of the humble golf caddy. Set your sights on something a little faster though if you need to escape the attention of the law.
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PC | Coming soon! |
If you favour brute force over fashion, why not bring a rubbish truck raining down on some poor pedestrian’s head?
Fastest Car In Gta 5 2020
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Xbox 360 / Xbox One | |
Slidey Cars
Slidey cars, also known as slipper cars. Activate this cheat and the road while become extremely greasy/slippery. you’ll end up sliding around every which way in your vehicle. The slidey cars cheat can make vehicles accelerate faster than normal. If the player upgrades a super car to its fastest speed, this cheat will make it go twice as fast. This can also cause the in-game First Person Speedometers on the PS4/PC/Xbox One version of the game to exceed their normal limits, revealing that HGVs are capable of speeds of up to 150 mph.
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Spawn Bikes
Maibatsu Sanchez
If you need a bike that’s all about raw speed then you should probably look elsewhere, but if you need to rip across the rough terrain of the mountain trails then the Sanchez packs plenty of stability.
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Xbox 360 / Xbox One | |
Shitzu PCJ 600
The PCJ 600 is the go-to bike when you’ve found yourself in a bit of a pinch. A great mix of solid handling, with plenty of oomph in the engine to get you away from trouble.
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Xbox 360 / Xbox One | |
The BMX is a pretty tasty escape vehicle if you need to whizz around the narrow alleys of Los Santos, or go off-road and onto the rougher bike tracks of the countryside.
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Xbox 360 / Xbox One | |
Spawn Helicopters and planes
Mallard Stunt Plane
The controls of the stunt plane are particularly fiddly, but if you can find a way of mastering them then you won’t find a better vehicle for showing off your aerial flair. It’s more agile than the Duster, and a good deal faster too.
PS3 / PS4 | |
Xbox 360 / Xbox One | |
The Buzzard’s certainly slick in the air, but it lacks the kind of durability and firepower that’s needed to survive a serious firefight. Use it to fly away from danger quickly, but be ready to switch into something a little stronger as soon as you can.
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Xbox 360 / Xbox One | |
This old fashioned plane is just perfect for cruising around the skies in, as you choke any civilians foolish enough to stand downwind of you.
PS3 / PS4 | |
Xbox 360 / Xbox One | |
PC | Coming soon! |
The complete Grand Theft Auto V Vehicles List features the staggering number of over 500 vehicles at our disposal, after over six years of DLC Updates. But what are the fastest vehicles in GTA Online in 2021? Which GTA V cars have the highest top speed?
In this page you find the list of the Top 50 Fastest Supercars available in GTA Online (the multiplayer portion of Grand Theft Auto V) ranked by the Top Speed they can achieve. This list of the fastest Cars in GTA Online is updated to February 2021, featuring all vehicles for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, along with their Purchase Price.
The list does NOT include vehicles that have a 'Rocket Boost' capability, such as the Vigilante or Arena War Vehicles, as they can only achieve their top speed temporarily via their special boost.
Be aware that 'fastest vehicle' doesn't necessarily mean a vehicle has the best performance overall. Clicking on each vehicle brings you to their detailed information and statistics, to find out everything else there is to know about their performance.
The Real Top Speeds of the vehicles have been accurately tested by Broughy1322 in a long straight line. For all the details, read his full explanation on how the Top Speed values were calculated accurately.
GTA Online: Top 50 Fastest Cars List (Ranked by Top Speed)
1. Ocelot Pariah
Top Speed:136.00 mph (218.87 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$1,420,000
2. Grotti Itali RSX
Top Speed:135.30 mph (217.74 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$3,465,000
3. Pfister 811
Top Speed:132.50 mph (213.24 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,135,000
4. Principe Deveste Eight
Top Speed:131.75 mph (212.03 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,795,000
5. Bravado Banshee 900R
Top Speed:131.00 mph (210.82 km/h)
- Super - Price:$565,000
6. Invetero Coquette D10
Top Speed:130.00 mph (209.21 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$1,510,000
7. Overflod Entity XXR
Top Speed:128.00 mph (206.00 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,305,000
8. Grotti Itali GTO
Top Speed:127.75 mph (205.59 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$1,965,000
9. Pegassi Toros
Top Speed:127.50 mph (205.19 km/h)
- SUVs - Price:$498,000
10. Grotti X80 Proto
Top Speed:127.50 mph (205.19 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,700,000
11. Benefactor Krieger
Top Speed:127.25 mph (204.79 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,875,000
12. Progen Emerus
Top Speed:127.25 mph (204.79 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,750,000
13. Imponte Deluxo
Top Speed:127.25 mph (204.79 km/h)
- Sports Classics - Price:$4,721,500
14. Truffade Nero Custom
Top Speed:127.25 mph (204.79 km/h)
- Super - Price:$605,000
15. Overflod Tyrant
Top Speed:127.00 mph (204.39 km/h)

- Super - Price:$2,515,000
16. Progen Itali GTB Custom
Top Speed:127.00 mph (204.39 km/h)
- Super - Price:$495,000
17. Dewbauchee Vagner
Top Speed:126.75 mph (203.98 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,535,000
18. Ocelot Jugular
Top Speed:126.50 mph (203.58 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$1,225,000
19. Truffade Nero
Top Speed:126.50 mph (203.58 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,440,000
20. Vapid Pißwasser Dominator
Top Speed:126.50 mph (203.58 km/h)
- Muscle - Price:$315,000
21. Albany V-STR
Top Speed:126.25 mph (203.18 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$1,285,000
22. Cheval Taipan
Top Speed:126.25 mph (203.18 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,980,000
23. Progen Itali GTB
Top Speed:126.25 mph (203.18 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,189,000
24. Truffade Z-Type
Top Speed:126.25 mph (203.18 km/h)
Fastest Car In Gta 5 2020 With Upgrades
- Sports Classics - Price:$950,000
25. Lampadati Novak
Top Speed:126.00 mph (202.78 km/h)
- SUVs - Price:$608,000
26. Lampadati Tigon
Top Speed:125.75 mph (202.37 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,310,000
27. Vysser Neo
Top Speed:125.75 mph (202.37 km/h)

- Sports - Price:$1,875,000
28. Bravado Gauntlet Classic Custom
Top Speed:125.50 mph (201.97 km/h)
- Muscle - Price:$815,000
29. Benefactor Schlagen GT
Top Speed:125.50 mph (201.97 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$1,300,000
30. Pegassi Tezeract
Top Speed:125.50 mph (201.97 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,825,000
31. Overflod Autarch
Top Speed:125.50 mph (201.97 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,955,000
32. Bravado Gauntlet Hellfire
Top Speed:125.25 mph (201.57 km/h)
- Muscle - Price:$745,000
33. Grotti Visione
Top Speed:125.25 mph (201.57 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,250,000
34. Vapid FMJ
Top Speed:125.00 mph (201.17 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,750,000
35. Truffade Adder
Top Speed:124.75 mph (200.77 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,000,000
36. Pegassi Zorrusso
Top Speed:124.25 mph (199.96 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,925,000
37. Lampadati Viseris
Top Speed:124.25 mph (199.96 km/h)
- Sports Classics - Price:$875,000
38. Benefactor Schafter V12
Top Speed:124.25 mph (199.96 km/h)
- Sedans, Sports - Price:$116,000
39. Declasse DR1 (IndyCar)
Top Speed:124.00 mph (199.56 km/h)
- Open Wheel - Price:$2,997,000
40. Truffade Thrax
Top Speed:124.00 mph (199.56 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,325,000
41. Ocelot Penetrator
Top Speed:124.00 mph (199.56 km/h)
- Super - Price:$880,000
42. Progen GP1
Top Speed:123.75 mph (199.16 km/h)
- Super - Price:$1,260,000
Fastest Car Gta V 2020
43. Ubermacht Rebla GTS
Top Speed:123.50 mph (198.75 km/h)
- SUVs - Price:$1,175,000
44. Annis RE-7B
Top Speed:123.50 mph (198.75 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,475,000
45. Progen Tyrus
Top Speed:123.50 mph (198.75 km/h)
- Super - Price:$2,550,000
46. Dewbauchee Seven-70
Top Speed:123.50 mph (198.75 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$695,000
47. Benefactor Schafter V12 (Armored)
Top Speed:123.50 mph (198.75 km/h)
- Sedans - Price:$325,000
48. Enus Paragon R
Fastest Car In Gta 5 2020 Reddit
Top Speed:123.25 mph (198.35 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$905,000
49. Lampadati Komoda
Top Speed:123.00 mph (197.95 km/h)
- Sports - Price:$1,700,000
50. Annis S80RR
Top Speed:123.00 mph (197.95 km/h)

- Super - Price:$2,575,000
Fastest Car In Gta 5 2020 Story Mode
To browse through all the vehicles included in GTA V & GTA Online, with custom filters and ability to sort by any statistics and specifications, see the complete GTA V & GTA Online Vehicles Database.