Mancala Online

Mancala Online

This is an ancient board game which dates back to the 6th century AD, and your target is to gather as many pieces of gems in your store as you can. On the game board, 12 small pits are divided into 2 rows, and each of the pits contains 4 pieces of gems. The upper row of pits belongs to the computer, and the lower row is yours. The 2 large pits on the left and right of the board are the stores, with the one on the right belongs to you, and the one on the left belongs to the computer. You and the computer will take turns to move the gems, and each time you may click any of the pits on your row. When a pit is selected, the gems inside will be distributed one by one to the next pits in counterclockwise direction. If the last gem of a move lands on your store, then you can take one more turn by selecting another pit. If the last gem of a move lands on an empty pit on your side while the opposite pit contains gems, then you can capture all of the gems in both pits and put them to your store. The same rules apply to the moves made by the computer. When the pits on one of the rows are emptied, the game ends. The remaining gems on the pits belonging to you will be counted as yours, and those on the pits of the computer will be counted as the computer's. Capture the gemstones with tactics and win prosperously!
Mancala Online 2 Player Unblocked
Mancala is a game strategy; move seeds around your and your opponent’s pits and try to collect the most seeds in your mancala to win. Mancala Master is easy to play, has great graphics, can save and resume games, and allows you to take on one of two computer opponents or play against your friend in two player mode on a single device, all for. Online Mancala Game Apps to be Played Ancient Mancala Game The app can be enjoyed anywhere while competing with people around the world. You can pick whether you want to play online or offline and then also if you want to play with random people or your friends. Mancala is a generic name for a family of two-player turn-based strategy board games played with small stones, beans, or seeds and rows of holes or pits in the earth, a board or other playing surface. The objective is usually to capture all or some set of the opponent's pieces. Want to play online? Check out Mancala snails, an electronic version of Champion’s Mancala. Mancala rules for older children and adults. Oware, a West African variant of mancala, is a more sophisticated game. It’s recommended for adults and older kids (11 and up).