The Daily Sudoku

Never-ending variety of free online Sudoku puzzles - you can play your daily Sudoku here, get a printable Sudoku or enjoy all the helpful features. Play the ever entertaining game of Sudoku online on - fun and packed with helpful features. The Daily Sudoku players also enjoy: See More Games. Klondike Solitaire. Daily Solitaire. Crescent Solitaire. The Daily Sudoku. Challenge yourself with this free online version of classic Sudoku. There's a new puzzle every day!
Beginners might start by looking for the 'very easy' daily sudoku puzzle. The rules and the tips given on the FAQ page will get you started. Once you are comfortable with 'very easy,' go to the next level, an 'easy' puzzle. After solving ten to twenty puzzles on each level, move to the 'medium,' 'hard' or the 'very hard' sudoko puzzles. There you will stay and tease your brain. You might want to get a coffee before starting a 'very hard' sudoku, as it can take thirty minutes or more to solve. However, time flies when you are into it.
Send feedback and suggestions on the daily sudoku, and I promise to get back to you.
Welcome to the Daily SuDoku!
Today's SuDoku is shown on theright. Click the grid to download a printable version of the puzzle.Visit the archive forprevious daily puzzles and solutions. Play online, print a Sudoku,solve and get hints using the new improved Draw/Play function.
But how do I do it?
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy onlyone condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
The rules of the new Monster Sudokus areexactly the same, but more numbers and letters are needed. 12x12puzzles require the numbers 1 to 9 and A, B and C in each row, columnand 3x4 box. 16x16 puzzles need 0 to 9, and the letters A to F. Trythe Squiggly puzzlesfor a slightly different feel.
Want more?
Take a look at the Daily SuDokuE-Books. Choose from classic, squiggly or kids puzzle books, eachwith 40 unique and graded puzzles. Visit the books page for more information.
Blank SuDoku grids - PDFs available for easy printing:
9x9: large (1 to a page) medium (2) small (6)
4x4: large (1) medium (2) small (6)
6x6: large (1) medium (2) small (6)
The Daily Sudoku From El Universal
12x12: large (1) medium (2) small (6)
The Daily Sudoku Puzzle Uk
16x16: large (1) medium (2) small (6)